
Concurs d'oratòria 2013

This year, for the first time our school has participated in VI Concurs d'Oratòria organised by the Fundació Joan Riera Gubau.

11 of our students recorded a video in which they talked about the main festivities and celebrations in the area of La Selva. Two of our 2nd ESO students were classified to be in the finals of this contest. They are: Catalina Bianconi and Clàudia Sola. Good luck in the finals!!!
The students did their best and here you can see the results:

Concurs oratòria 2013 - Catalina
Concurs oratòria 2013 - Clàudia
Concurs oratòria 2013 - Emma
Concurs oratòria 2013 - Anna
Concurs oratòria 2013 - Raquel
Concurs oratòria 2013 - Anna M.
Concurs oratòria 2013 - Núria
Concurs oratòria 2013 - Julen
Concurs oratòria 2013 - Àfrica
Concurs oratòria 2013 - Pau


Road to Belfast!

Our student, Helena Sánchez has won the first price of the Fonix Writing Competition. The awards ceremony took place last Friday in Montjuïch. As a result of her effort, Helena is going to spend 15 days in Belfast studying English! Enjoy it Helena and once more: Congratulations, you're great!