
Vote for women

               When we heard about Suffragettes most of us didn't know anything about them. And it is thanks to them and women like them that nowadays every woman can be treated and has the same rights as a man. 
               First we had to situate in the late 19th century, when women were totally excluded from the society and political themes while they were working as hard as men in a country ruled by a woman, Queen Victoria. Then, women like Millicent Fawcet and the Pankhurst sisters took part and were presidents in groups like the NUWSS (National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies), and the WSPU (Women's Social and Political Union). These women were put in prison and were involved in goverment tactics like "The Mouse and the Cat act"and most of the times they went on hunger strike. It's how these women, sometimes acting with violence, got what nowadays women have.

              That's what our English teacher -Marga Riera- explained us in our history lesson in English a few weeks ago. Then we used all this information to make a little project in which we had to explain who were the Suffragettes, what they wanted, and what were their actions. We also had to design a poster like trying to make it as real as possible.The result were posters using ingenious ideas,women and suffragettes photos and slogans like "Never underestimate the power of women", "Why not vote for women", "We also can, women for the change" and "All voices heard, and women too?"
                                                                              RaqueL   SáncheZ     4th ESO


Love the way we are...

We have finished changing the lyrics so we are ready to sing and dance...

Just gonna stand there and watch us dance
That’s all right because you’ll like the way we are
Yes, we are different but we are one
That’s all right because you’ll fall for who we are
You’ll love the way we are

Boys:   I can’t tell you who they really are
But we can tell them who we are
And right now the battle starts with this rhyme
Don’t you dare little ants?
Don’t you feel like dwarfs in a World of giants? Don’t you feel like that?

Girls:  We are so cool, we are the best
We are the greatest crew
If you are tall, if you are short, if you are you
Just sit here, close your mouth and rest. Got it?
Listen to me a bit and look how I move my feet

Boys:  Really? Do you have a rhyme? Are you a team?
You don’t know how to rap
We’ve just seen you doing steps back
We won’t rest, babies, we’re so crazy
Let’s break the rules, you know how humiliation feels.

Girls:  We are superheroes, see us, it’s a show. Come here
Feel the music high, live it, follow us and you’ll be
Who you ever wanted to be in your life
Come to the dance-floor and dance until you’re about to die
Be happy, live the music with us

Just gonna stand there and watch us dance
That’s all right because you’ll like the way we are
Yes, we are different but we are one
That’s all right because you’ll fall for who we are
You’ll love the way we are

Boys:  You ever feel like you’ve danced so much
You feel that you can’t compete with us
You can make a move and sing, we swear we’ll win
Get that rushing blood streaming
Yeah those moves used to hit them

Girls:  Look at your face it seems like you don’t want to dance
Maybe we can make a change
Just like to see your look again
And throw all your pains away
Why don’t you smile and change your ugly face?

Boys:  What are you talking about?
Do you think we’re going to wait
And see how you win that?
Why don’t you start saying a prayer
Let’s shout till we break the ozone layer

Girls:  Stop looking at us
‘cause today we are gonna win that
We can dance much better, so take out your hat
Shut up and show us what you can do with that

Girls:  We are the top because we are girls oh yeah!
You won’t get another chance
You mustn’t forget it, do you want revenge?
No, I don’t think so, join us on the stage
And let’s show them we are one again

Just gonna stand there and watch us dance
That’s all right because you’ll like the way we are
Yes, we are different but we are one
That’s all right because you’ll fall for who we are
You’ll love the way we are

Boys & Girls:  Now we know we said things,
Did things that we didn’t mean,
But now we’ve realized who we are. Who are we?
We’re famous but we are the same one
You are the same as we

B&G: Singing and dancing were and still our passions
Hey, when we were young we had different desires
Suddenly, our life made a change, and now we are into this
We are gon’ sing and gon’ make you move your feet
Following the rhythm of the drums listen to this!

B&G: We are an -ing team, we love laughing
Talking, dancing, singing, moving
Long ago we met together and start
And now it couldn’t end in a terrible war
Which is the best group?

B&G:  You know, don’t hesitate, we are in the top-ten
We are a team and we have a scream, we’ll win!
Hey baby, are you ready? We are steady, yeah! So let’s go!
Let’s scream all together: THiRD TRY RIGHT, the best forever



Do you like English? Do you want to spend some days in England or Ireland during the summer? 

Apply for the grants offered by the Catalan Foundation Riera Gubau... Every year hundreds of students living or studying in "La Selva" get a grant to spend a couple of weeks in the United Kingdom, Ireland and The United States, learning and improving their English...

Don't hesitate and apply...


Famous Quotations

"There is only one thing worse than being talked about: not being talked about"